Ultima Online/다운로드


KeNee 2021. 9. 15. 16:45

UOSteam is an updated, Ultima Online game assistant similar to the original UORazor client and essentially the same as the  AssistUO client.  It is not a new project, but since the original developers are no longer supporting this software, this site will now become the archive for all of the available information in one convenient place for everyone to access easily.




UO Steam Guide

UOS Launcher

Once downloaded and installed, when you go to start it you’ll be presented with a window whose name is UOS – Launcher .

You will have to set up everything so that you can connect to the UO free shard you want, with the client that you choose.

Let’s see how:

Client Options: Here you should indicate the position of the client you want to use, then click on “…” in the window that opens browse to the file ” client ” and click below on Open . At this point in the Client Options you should see the path to your client (if not, repeat the process).

Remove encryption: This check is always enabled if you want to play in the freeshards.

Remove stamina check:

Ultima Online: Here you will have to indicate the location of the folder instead of UO (the one with all the files inside for instance), then click on “…” in the window that opens browse to the folder to which the shard game you want to access and click below on Ok .

Shard: here you type the address of the shard you want to connect

Port: Here indicated, however, the port number of which benefits the shard you want to connect. usually port 2593

Encryption required: Used to those shard (type OSI) which requires encryption during login.

Start: Clicking this button will open the game screen where you enter your username and password

Search for Updates: By clicking this button you can check for any new program updates (things that, I think, also takes place automatically when the launcher). [It may not work anymore because the program will not be updated]

Tabs and functions

Now let’s get specific and we analyze all the various tabs of the program, and their functions. General This tab contains functions for the general management of the game.


Light: filters the sun goes down and then always have light .
Sounds: filters the sounds of the game (no more animal noises, footsteps, screams, spells, etc.).
Music: filters out background music (no more melodies).
Bard’s music: filters the sounds of musical instruments (no more jingle).
Weathers: filters the weather (no more rain, snow, etc.).
Death: filters the view when you die (no more black and white things so to speak).
Trade window: filters the trade window between you and another player (you will not see more).
Veteran rewards: filters the selection window of the veteran rewards (you will not see more).
Fame messages: filters the messages that you report the loss or acquisition of fame (you will not see more).
Karma messages: filters the messages that you report the loss or
acquisition of karma (you will not see more).
Snooping messages: filters messages that indicate if someone is trying to open a backpack or that of someone close to you (you will not see more).
Repeated messages: filters the messages repeated in a fast sequence, for example, if you hold down the button to cast a spell and tells you the time that you are already by casting (you will not see more).
Other speech color:

Light: Used to adjust the brightness of the game. Move the lever to the left to make it darker, right for the opposite.

Opacity: It is to decide the opacity of the program window. Move the lever to the left to make it more transparent, right the opposite.

Always on top: It serves to keep the window always on top of UOS
(disappears behind other windows you’re using).

Load linked profile: Allows you to automatically load the correct profile (that you created) connected to the pg that and login ( if you have them connected to each other before: as in ” Profiles ” below).

Negotiate features with server: Some shard require that this option is enabled in order to moderate some of the functions of the program.

Minimize to system tray: When you put in the window icon of UOS, will end up on the bar near the clock.

Reduce CPU usage: Decreases the resources the program requires to your PC.  If activated reduces the use of your CPU of at least 50%.

Loot system:

Save passwords: Used to store the password of your account (of course not visible).

Activate the item “Enabled”
And login with your account in the shard

From this moment on, your password is saved, to enter the shard you simply enter the username in the gump to access the game.

Profiles: Lets you create profiles for each of your character. Each profile will save preferences, options, macro, etc.

A. Click “New”
B. In the window that appears type the name you want to assign to the new profile
C1. Let popped “New” to create a new profile
C2. Select “Dupe” to copy the settings / macro / Preferences Profile
(already existing) that you loaded at this time
D. Click “Continue”
E. Back to the main window click “Save”

To connect a profile to a character:

And login in the game with the pg
Load the profile that you want to connect to pg
Click the icon chain, it should become red in the center

This tab contains within it the “sub-tab”, as we shall see. General In this sub-tab are the functions of general utility.

Commands prefix: Used to define the symbol that precedes the commands to launch game for example -ping to know the latency between you and the server. Basic is the indent: – .

X ms delay between actions: Used to indicate the “wait time” between action and another. For example, if you create a macro that performs various actions one after the other, without indicating a break between action and the other, as AssistUO will “break default” that you indicated in place of X (in milliseconds). Basic is 600.

Use objects queue X items: is used to “remember” the actions to be done.
For example, if you (or someone you) do many actions – each of which it requires certain amount of time – fast (one after another) here is that at the end of one, the other will start. By setting a number in place of the X you indicate how many of those actions should “remember”. Basic is 5.

Always accept party invitations: Allows you to automatically accept invitations to join a party, without having to sit to write the command / accept in game

Display new corpses name: This option will cause a screen when it enters your body, you can read the name on it.

Count stealth steps: It will indicate the number of steps you are doing in stealth mode (Hidden).

Show on cordinates title: Enabling it will be indicated in the dialog AssistUO, the exact coordinates of where your character.

Turn spell into fields:
Static Fields: Enabling this option and choosing this from the menu, the fields will show no movement.

Tile Fields: Enabling this option and choosing this from the menu, the fields will be displayed as colored tiles.

Search new containers:

Gauntlet bone cutter: The famous “cut bones” that before could only be ordered from external scripts. It allows you to cut bones annoying launched by the Dark Father of Doom (if not cut to give birth to monsters as annoying), simply by standing near.

Activate the item “Enabled”
Click the button “Set Blade” next, and targettate game in the blade with which to cut the bones (if by chance you lose the weapon, or want to change it, risettatatela repeating the operation)

Open Doors: This option allows you to automatically open the doors when you head there.

Activate the item “Enabled”
Next to it provided that you choose the exiles from opening doors:
None: None (always open)
Not Targeting: only if you are targettando someone (or something) will not open any doors
Not Hidden: if you do not open any doors hiddati
Both: in both the previous two conditions above will not open any doors”Use double click to open doors”

Corpses Open: This option allows you to automatically open the bodies of those who die near you.

Activate the item “Enabled”
Next to it provided that you choose the exiles from opening bodies:
None: None (always open)
Not Targeting: only if you are targettando someone (or something) will not open no body
Not Hidden: if you are not open hiddati no body
Both: in both the previous two conditions above is not open no body
“Limit open range to X tiles”: Here you set the maximum number of tiles within which the victim must die because you you try to open the loot.

Game Window: Enabling it, and by setting your preferences, you can make
higher and / or wider than your finistra game.

Activate the item “Resize”
In the two areas indicated below (in pixels) the width and height you want to assign to your game window

In this sub-tab are the functions related to combat.

Display spells: lets you decide how to display spells Castes (by you and
others), in fact from the menu beside you decide:

Words: you will see only the magic formula of the spell cast (for example, “An Nox”)
Name: you will see only the name of the spell cast (such as “Cure”)
Both: you will see both of the two above items (for example, “An Nox [Cure]”), by default this is selected

Check hands before potions: Enabling it, whenever you try to drink a pool, check that at least one of your hands is clear: if not fulfilled automatically these actions: undresserà the weapon (if you have a two- handed) or shield ( if you have a weapon to hand over the shield), will drink the pool and re-equipperà what he had taken.

Clear hands before casting: This option will make sure that your hands are “freed” from any weapons / shields or whatever you are holding, before casting. Immediately after the spell was cast are automatically re- equippate from what had been taken away.

Health above people and creatures: It will allow you to view up to people and creatures in general% of the life they have left.

Flags above people and creatures: It will allow you to view up to people and creatures in general their current “status” (for example if they are poisonati, if hiddati, if frozzati, etc.).

Remount on Dismount: Enabling it once dismontati, it will ensure that you risaliate (in the shortest possible time) on the mounts that you have previously selected.

Activate the item “Enabled”
Click the button “Set Mount” and targettate mounts that will ride at the time of any dismount


“Smart Last Target” recalls the target on which you did beneficial actions or otherwise. And when one of these targets will be “at your fingertips” it will remember what kind of actions performed on it (this will work only if your main target is out of your range). “Share on enemy targets” need to send a message to other pointing to the enemy that you are attacking, to be able to attack in unison:
None: does not send the message to anyone
Party: send the message to members of your party
Guild: send the message to members of your guild
Alliance: send the message to members of your alliance

Highlight current target: It will make your current target “light” just so
you can see immediately what your current target.

Limit target range in X tiles: This option will allow you to set the number (instead of X) tiles of the longest distance between you and your target to launch such spells or whatever. Each shard sets a maximum distance, discover which one is imposed by your shard and write accordingly.

Block heal if poisoned or yellow hits: Thanks to it if you try to cast a “magic recovery hp” on a target or poisoned mortalato, the magic will not be castata and the viewfinder will not be lost (so you can try it later ).

In this sub-tab are the functions related to the management of friends.

Friends List: In this white rectangle can add or remove the so-called “Friends,” the friends.

“Remove” removes the friend selected in the list (if you have)
“Insert”: put a friend in the list, click this button and then targettatelo in game

Includes party members: Enabling this option all the players in the party with you they enter become part of your “Friends List” (although not appear in the list of the list).

Consider this only as valid friends: Basically the “Friends List” also
extends to your guild mates and their pet / summons / etc (whatever you see green). Checking this item, however, they will be considered “Friends” only those in your list and, if you have selected, those of the option explained previously.

Healing: One of the most interesting options of AssistUO, let’s go see

“Enabled” check this box if you want to automatically bandage one of the following target
Self: you heal yourself
Last: you heal the last target on which you have acted
Last Friend: you heal the latest “Friend” on which you have acted
Any Friend: you heal a “Friend” in case
Mount: you heal your pet referred to as “Mount” (see “6. Remount on Dismount “above)
“Scale priority based on hits” prioprità will decide on who should be
treated first according to his hits (useful if you have chosen to treat a
“Friend in case”, for example)
“Count seconds until finishes” will count down the seconds remaining to end the blindfold.
“Start below X% hits” will begin to cure only after reaching the threshold of% of hits given by you (instead of X).
“Allow healing while hidden” enabling it will bandage even if you hiddati.
“Use OSI dexterity formula delay” by selecting this option the time
blindfolded will be calculated based on the formula of the OSI (which has so Dexterity).
“Bendage X ms delay action” if you do not want / can use the previous
option, you can manually set the time duration of blindfolded, in
milliseconds (first need to clear the above option if you have it enabled).

Title Bar
In this sub-tab are the functions relating to the title bar, or the bar at
the top of the programa, as shown in the image below:

Custom title bar mode: this item will make you decide, using the
appropriate drop-down menu, how to view the contents of your title bar:
Disabled: does not show anything
Graphic: show both graphics and text (usually is set by default)
Text only: mistrerà only text

Shortcuts: default is a list of the items that can be added to the title
bar, just select the one you want to add and click “Insert” . If they want
to add more, just repeat the process.

Highlight amount below: in the title bar you can also enter the “counters
objects” (such as bandages, puddles, etc. etc.). This item lets you specify
the number at which the number of “counter” on the title bar will turn red
indicating that it has reached this number (useful for example to indicate
that that particular item is almost ending).

Display counter name before amount: this option will ensure that, in the
counter, among evetuale image and the number of the item that you are
monitoring, there is also the name of that item.

Use notoriety hue on $ name: the title bar you can also enter $ name that
shows the name of pg with which you are logged. Enabling this item, the
name of your character will take the color of your reputation: if you are
innocent and without a guild will be blue, if you are innocent and gildati
will be green, if you are criminals will be gray, if you are murderers will
be red, or whatever. If disabled, however, your name will be shown always
in black.

Display image with counters: AssistUO selecting the icon corresponding to
the object will automatically be included in the title bar (if this is
Spell Grid
In this sub-tab are the functions to manage the grids of icons on the
screen to have them all in order and aligned, as in the image below:

Create a grid: To do this, simply click the button “New” . Appear in the
list on the left the name of the new grid you create that, by default, is
called “Grid-X” (where X is a number depending on how many grids have the
same name). E ‘can, however, change the name to the grid simply
doppiocliccandoci above. E ‘can create an infinite number of grids simply
repeating the operation.

Add icons to grid: Nothing easier, select the grid you want to work (if you
have more than one), bring the list to the right where the items appear
“Abilities” and “Spells”. The first will serve to add to / and your / and
grid / and skill primary and / or secondary weapon that your character is
holding. The second, however, will allow you to add the various spells
(you’ll find them all well-ordered and divided for “profession”). In both
cases, to add an icon, simply put the check in the square next to it.
Needless to tell you that you can add to / and your / and grid / and all
the icons you want, repeating the operation. Council to create different
grids perhaps dividing them between “spells” and “ability” or, even better
(in my opinion), dividedole in “skill”, “spells magician”, spells by necro
“(for example).

Move a grid on the screen: Basic grids created are positioned at the top
left. To move will simply select the list on the left, and move the lever
vertical (found right there beside a little ‘more to the right) up or down
to decide their height, and the horizontal (found just below the buttons
“Remove” and “New” ) to the left or right to decide its position. If you
have multiple grids you obviously do the same for all.

Move individual icons on the screen: Normally all the icons you add are
placed aligned to each other. Take the case that you, instead, want to make
it be a higher and a more down, or maybe just simply more spaced (depending
on your needs). Each grid created that is displayed on the screen with a
padlock at the top left of the first icon belonging to that grid. Clicking
the lock, by this time all icons belonging to this grid will show different
darts that are used to move the respective icon to your liking. For

Remove a grid: To remove forever a grid simply select it from the list on
the left and click the “Remove” below.

This tab is reserved for the management of hotkeys or quick keys. We look
better than what it is:

Toggle Hotkeys: Enable / Disable your “quick keys”

But in:
“Ping Server”: Send the command to know the data of the connection between
you and the server
“Resynchronize”: Re-soncronizza your client
“Snapshot”: Take a “photo” to your current “vision”
“Mount”: Salt on mounts (previously set as “Mount”)
“Dismount” It comes down from your current mount
“Clear Use Once”:
“Last Object”:
“Left Hand”:
“Right Hand”:
Show Names:
“All”: Show All names of players / mobs / bodies present
“Corpses”: Display only the names of the bodies present
“Mobiles”: Display only the names of players and mobs present

“Primary”: Enables the primary skill of the weapon you hold in your hand
“Secondary”: Enables the secondary ability of the weapon in your hand
“Stun (Pre-AOS)”:
“Disarm (Pre-AOS)”:
“Last”: It attacks the last target on which you have acted
“Self”: Blindfold yourself
“Last”: Benda the last target on which you have acted
“Mount”: Benda mounts (previously set as “Mount”)
“Agility”: He drinks the pool of agility
“Cure”: He drinks the pool of antidote against the poison
“Explosion”: Throw the puddle explosive
“Heal”: He drinks the pool of restoration of hp
“Refresh”: He drinks the pool recovery Bunting
“Strength”: He drinks the pool of increased strength
“Nightsight” He drinks the pool at night

“Enchanted Apple”: Eat apple enchanted against Curse
“Orange Petals”: Eat orange petal to protect itself from the poison for
certain amount of time (up to the 4th level)
“Wrath of Grapes”: Eat grapes
“Rose Of Trinsic”: Eat petal Rose Trinsic to increase its strength of 5 to
tot time
Toggle Hands:
“Left”: Weapon / Disarm (depending on how you have it at the time) your
left hand
“Right”: Weapon / Disarm (depending on how you have it at the time) your
right hand

“Last”: Use the last skill you used
“Anatomy”: Use your skill Anatomy
“Animal Lore”: Use the skill Animal Lore
“Item Identification”: Use the skill Taste Identification
“Arms Lore”: Use the skill Arms Lore
“Begging”: Use the skill Begging
“Detecting Hidden”: Use the skill Detecting Hidden
“Discordance”: Use the skill Discordance
“Evaluating Intelligence”:
“Hiding”: Use the skill Hiding
“Provocation”: Use the skill Provocation
“Poisoning”: I Use the skill Poisoning
“Spirit Speak”: Use the skill Spirit Speak
“Stealing”: Use the skill Stealing
“Animal Taming”: Use the skill Animal Taming
“Taste Identification”: Use the skill Taste Identification
“Tracking”: Use the skill Tracking
“Meditation”: Use the skill Meditation
“Stealth”: Use the skill Stealth
“Remove Trap”: Use the skill Remove Trap

Big Heal
Children Heal
Chivalry Heal
“Honorable Execution”:
“Counter Attack”:
“Lightning Strike”:
“Momentum Strike”:
“Cleanse By Fire”:
“Close Wounds”:
“Consecrate Weapon”:
“Dispel Evil”:
“Divine Fury”:
“Enemy Of One”:
“Holy Light”:
“Noble Sacrifice”:
“Remove Curse”:
“Sacred Journey”:
“Create Food”:
“Magic Arrow”:
“Night Sight”:
“Reactive Armor”:
“Magic Trap”:
“Magic Untrap”
“Magic Lock”:
“Wall of Stone”:
“Arch Cure”:
“Arch Protection”:
“Fire Field”:
“Greater Heal”:
“Mana Drain”:
“Blade Spirits”:
“Dispel Field”:
“Magic Reflection”:
“Mind Blast”:
“Poison Field”:
“Summon Creatures”:
“Energy Bolt”:
“Mass Curse”:
“Paralyze Field”:
“Chain Lightning”
“Energy Field”:
“Flame Strike”:
“Gate Travel”:
“Mana Vampire”:
“Mass Dispel”
“Meteor Swarm”:
“Energy Vortex”:
“Summon Air Elemental”:
“Summon Daemon”:
“Summon Earth Elemental”:
“Summon Fire Elemental”:
“Summon Water Elemental”:
“Nether Bolt”:
“Healing Stone”:
“Purge Magic”:
“Strike Eagle”:
“Animated Weapon”:
“Stone Form”:
“Spell Trigger”:
“Mass Sleep”:
“Cleansing Winds”:
“Spell Plague”:
“Hall Storm”:
“Nather Cyclone”:
“Rising Colossus”:
“Animate Dead”:
“Blood Oath”:
“Corpse Skin”:
“Curse Weapon”:
“Evil Omen”:
“Horrific Beast”:
“Lich Form”:
“Mind Rot”:
“Pain Spike”:
“Poison Strike”:
“Summon Familiar”:
“Vampiric Embrace”:
“Vangeful Spirit”:
“Wraith Form”:
“Focus Attack”:
“Death Strike”:
“Animal Form”:
“Ki Attack”:
“Surprise Attack”:
“Mirror Image”:
“Arcane Circle”:
“Gift Of Renewal”:
“Immolating Weapon”:
“Attune Weapon”:
“Nature’s Fury”:
“Summon Fey”:
“Summon Fiend”
“Reaper Form”:
“Essence Of Wind”:
“Dryad Allure”
“Ethereal Voyage”:
“Word Of Death”:
“Gift Of Life”:
“Arcane Empowerment”:


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